About Us
Smoke-Free at Home NM is a collaboration between the Apartment Association of New Mexico and the New Mexico Department of Health, which seeks to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosols in multi-unit housing. The Apartment Association of New Mexico (AANM) is a private non-profit trade organization dedicated to providing a common foundation for rental housing industry professionals and the various businesses that service the industry.
Founded in 1979, AANM has over 800 primary and associate members, representing over 60,000 rental units throughout the state. AANM promotes professionalism, education, career development, and proactive legislative efforts to benefit owners, investors, residents, and other association members. We’re proud to partner in smoke-free living, providing New Mexico with cleaner air.

That all New Mexicans live in a healthy, smoke-free, and vape-free environment.
To expand opportunities for New Mexicans to live in smoke-free and vape-free environments by focusing on residents of multi-unit housing and providing comprehensive education and support to property owners, managers, and residents.
- Provide resources and materials for Property Owners, Managers, and Residents to assist them in transitioning to smoke-free living.
- Provide education for Property Owners, Managers, and Residents on the dangers of vaping and second and thirdhand smoke.
- Host Lunch & Learns with Property Owners and Managers to answer questions and provide information about transitioning to smoke-free and vape-free housing and the certification process. Bonus: We provide lunch.
- Host “Thinking About Quitting and the Impacts of Secondhand Smoke” workshops for residents. Offer training for Health Care Professionals, Property Managers, Community Outreach Coordinators, and others interested in resident outreach so they can facilitate smoke-free workshops.