Step 1: Decision Making (Contemplation)
- Contact Smoke-Free at Home NM Director, Jennifer Winters at (505) 407-2839
- Attend a Lunch & Learn (coming soon, virtually)
- Receive Smoke-Free at Home NM’s Owner/Manager Information Kit
Step 2: Commitment and Preparation
- Decide to go smoke-free and vape-free
- Conduct a resident survey
- Set up Thinking About Quitting and Secondhand Smoke and Vape Workshops for residents
- Notify residents about change to policy
- Set a date
Step 3: State Certification
- Submit to the Smoke-Free At Home team:
- Letter of Intent to go smoke-free
- Lease Addendum stating smoke-free policy (which must include e-cigarettes)
- Violation Policy addressing smoking (which must consist of e-cigarettes)
- Receive Certification and get added to our online interactive map!
Lease Addendum Definition of Smoking
Smoking: The inhalation of, exhalation of, carrying, or possession of any lighted/burning tobacco product, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or other devices that hold tobacco products.
Vaping: Any product that can be used to deliver aerosolized or vaporized nicotine, lobelia, or any other substance to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, or vape pen.
Types of Certifications
Platinum: A platinum certification is available for new properties and developments that do not allow smoking in any part of the property at any time.
Gold: A gold certification is offered for existing properties that do not allow smoking in any part of the property at any time.
Silver: A silver certification is offered to existing properties that do not allow smoking inside any of the units and common areas. It also includes no-smoking zones within 25 feet of any building entryways and windows.